SO I have been in training since October. Holy cow that's a long time! They call in training "fresh meat". I told them I think I am the fresh meat Mascot forever! This is the hardest thing I have ever done!! And I am still just learning to be a competent enough skater. I think it usually takes a lot less time to train then I am taking. There are a couple things that are not in my favor ; #1 I am physically pretty retarded. #2 half of the practices right now occur on Sunday, which means I can only go to practice once a week.
Reasons that it is so dang hard.
* I have never physically exerted myself to the point of sweating much before and I don't much enjoy it.
* I generally get pretty pissed when I get hurt.
* I am nice.
I am feeling pretty patient with myself and am super excited and enjoying the process of getting better all the time, I only worry that the girls don't think I'm serious. I doubt they have any idea how stinking out of my comfort zone I am.
The huge reason that this is hard... Derby girls aren't super friendly.
I go to practice and no one talks to me. They all chat with each other. some of the girls won't smile when I say something funny or they give me one word answers when I ask them about themselves. There are a few that are Wonderfully nice to me though & it means a ton! Stocky Balboa, Rage, Patsy Clothesline & mostly Scrap iron. She's my favorite.
but for the most part, these girls are a different breed.
I have more kids than anyone else and am one of maybe 5 that are married or have kids at all. They are mostly very sporty girls, lots are gay and or have unshaved armpits, which is cool. They are not for the most part lured into derby for the fashion like a certain someone :) I don't know why they don't seem to like me, I think it's more of just disinterest. it doesn't bother me until I'm in physical pain and super exhausted, then I get really irritated. but derr! what did I expect? Anyway, That is how it's going. I can now jump and skate a crossover well, weave through cones, and fall and stop in several fancy and different ways. Reasons that I will keep going;
*It's rad to feel myself getting stronger and more capable.
*It's an interesting social experiment.
*I can't wait to knock some hos down! I'm sorry if this post makes me less cool in your eyes. I'll be a cooler derby girl soon I promise!