I've been meaning to post about this for a couple months. So finally, I'm back! I feel like this new house is coming together and I can breathe a little. This one is sort of an update of a previous post. The one entitled "Dishes" that I never thought would come to anything. Oh my gosh It came to be the best thing ever.
It was, I think, the end of June. I was supposed to go have lunch at Jennifer's house. I was late. I sorted pottery to Deliver, ran Sammy to Nathan's and got to her house about 25 minutes late. I was feeling so bad for being late. I ran up to the house with my arms full of junk and Jennifer opened the door for me, I breezed through to the kitchen, apologizing for my lateness and feeling like a mess when I noticed everyone standing up at the dining room table. I said something like " Oh no, you aren't waiting to start lunch are you?" I put down all my stuff and walked back in & saw Donna start to cry. Jennifer said, "Well, yes because you're our guest of honor." and I looked around the table and saw all of my beautiful friends standing there starting to cry. I just could not believe it. I couldn't believe this was for me. I felt like I should be crying but I was just so surprised! I went around the table and hugged everyone and when I got to standing behind my seat, commenting on how surprised I was and how beautiful everything was, I looked down at the table and noticed the dishes. It took me a minute to put it together and Jennifer said "and these are your new dishes." And my breathe caught & I felt more loved and more special than I can ever remember feeling. I just stood there and sobbed. and so did everyone else! which I loved. They all went around and told me how they felt about me and about their set of dishes. It was all so gorgeous!
Jennifer's were pink and white with roosters. Danielle's were a bold mix of colors. Donna's had pictures of awesome places to travel. Sara's were star wars complete with Darth Vader mug and original collectors plate. Kim's were a beautiful beach washed white and she made me this gorgeous black and white dessert stand. Kathryn's had pictures of the Eiffel tower. Marj's were her special China she had saved for years ago. April's were her own family set with an awesome red bowl & black bowl she added. This meant so much because she talked about how one of her dishes would be missing and she would think of me. Pam's we're white & gold tea set style. I got two other sets from my best childhood friend Suzie & from my friend Shannon. Each of these sets of dishes are so very unique and just scream of each wonderful friend. I think of them as I eat breakfast from their bowls. I talk about them at the dinner table with new friends who I hope can someday hold a candle to these girls. And when I am sad or I miss their hugs, I close my eyes and go back to standing behind my seat at the table looking at all their crying loving faces. I miss you guys!
I gave this talk in church today. It was well received :)
The Road to Perfection
Expectations and faith
---When I was engaged and first married, I worked as a dialysis technician.
·The patients came in 3 x’s a week .They were all older people and they would tell me their stories.I quickly noticed a theme of great hardship in their stories, all of them! …
was my first real southerner. She had to leave her home in Tennessee when her husband, who she married at the age of 14 died.
* Sharon,
who had a wonderful laugh, had 9 children who she took with her every day to clean houses to earn enough money to feed them all.
* Howard
wife’s cancer went into remission just as Howard lost his kidneys as a result of his cancer.
-These were some of my favorite patients because of their sweet demeanors and bright outlook on life.They just each seemed calm and easy.
These patients and all the others had all had good times but they all had had heartbreaking, and difficult times too.
I was hoping for a blissful life with my new best friend and I did not want to have a story like all of these. But I felt that I inevitably would!
I want to talk about expectations about this life and the kind of faith & trust in the Lord that we need.
I approached my future with bit of fear, some approachthe future with blissful ignorance or with a resolve to make all the right choices and avoid life’s pitfalls. Some go in armed with preparation and an attitude that thy will get through it with the Lords help.
--what were your expectations when you left home or got married?
Very few start out life planning or hoping for; extreme financial trouble, fights with their spouse, infertility, infidelity, depression, illness etc.
--So what can we expect?
Henry B. Eyring, “Adversity,” Liahona, May 2009,
-----Tells us that we can expect an education…
“It is clear that for us to have that gift of Eternal life and to be given that trust, we must be transformed through making righteous choices where that is hard to do. We are prepared for so great a trust by passing through trying and testing experiences in mortality. That education can come only as we are subject to trials while serving God and others for Him.
In this education we experience misery and happiness, sickness and health, the sadness from sin and the joy of forgiveness. That forgiveness can come only through the infinite Atonement of the Savior, which He worked out through pain we could not bear and which we can only faintly comprehend.”
James E. Faust, “Where Do I Make My Stand?,” Liahona, Nov 2004,
--Tells us that it will be a bumpy road but that we will be guided.
“President Howard W. Hunter once said, “God knows what we do not know and sees what we do not see.” 16 None of us knows the wisdom of the Lord. We do not know in advance exactly how He would get us from where we are to where we need to be, but He does offer us broad outlines in our patriarchal blessings. We encounter many bumps, bends, and forks in the road of life that leads to the eternities. There is so much teaching and correction as we travel on that road. Said the Lord, “He that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom.” 17 “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth.” 18
---Why do bad things happen to good people?
President Foust says…
“Dr. Arthur Wentworth Hewitt suggested some reasons why the good suffer as well as the wicked: “First: I don’t know. Second: We may not be as innocent as we think. Third: … I believe it is because He loves us so much more than He loves our happiness. (repeat) How so? Well, if on a basis of strict personal return here and now, all the good were always happy and all the bad suffered disaster (instead of often quite the reverse), this would be the most subtle damnation of character imaginable.” 1
President Kimball gave this insightful explanation as to why:
“If pain and sorrow and total punishment immediately followed the doing of evil, no soul would repeat a misdeed. If joy and peace and rewards were instantaneously given the doer of good, there could be no evil—all would do good and not because of the rightness of doing good. There would be no test of strength, no development of character, no growth of powers, no free agency. … There would also be an absence of joy, success, resurrection, eternal life, and godhood.” 2
---Quentin L. Cook, “‘Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time’,” Ensign, Nov 2008
Expanding on the purpose of trials...
“One of the essential doctrines illuminated by the Restoration is that there must be opposition in all things for righteousness to be brought to pass.2 This life is not always easy, nor was it meant to be; it is a time of testing and proving. As we read in Abraham, “And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.”
----How do we handle it when hard times come?
President Faust
“ Some, because they lack faith or understanding of the eternal plan, become bitter and lose hope. One such was a 19th-century writer who achieved both success and wealth with his dazzling wit and writing style. His wife came from a religious family, and he wanted to have faith in God but wasn’t really sure God existed. Then he was hit by a series of crushing blows. In 1893 a national financial crisis left him deeply in debt. His oldest daughter died while he was on a speaking tour. His wife’s health failed, and she died in 1904. His youngest daughter died in 1909. His own health declined. His writing, which had formerly been so full of sparkle, now reflected his bitterness. He became progressively depressed, cynical, and disillusioned and remained so until his death in 1910. With all his brilliance, he lacked the inner strength to deal with adversity and simply resigned himself to his misfortunes.
It’s not so much what happens to us but how we deal with what happens to us. That reminds me of a passage from Alma. After a long war “many had become hardened,” while “many were softened because of their afflictions.” 8 The same circumstances produced opposite responses.
-----President Eyring, “Adversity,” Liahona, May 2009, Concerning how we handle our trials
"I have seen faith and courage come from a testimony that it is true that we are being prepared for eternal life. The Lord will rescue His faithful disciples. And the disciple who accepts a trial as an invitation to grow and therefore qualify for eternal life can find peace in the midst of the struggle."
Like the Lamanites and the Nephites, we can go through hard things and gain nothing but anger or confusion.Or we can learn much.
·For the past 15 years at least, I have battled depression. I know I am not alone in this, so today I am compelled to share a bit.
I always wanted to fight it and keep it at bay so I could handle whatever things would come in my life. During the past couple of months, it developed into a severe anxiety disorder and I realized that this is my trial.I know it isn’t or won’t be my only one but I have learned a great deal about this life and about heavenly Father from it so far.
I was having daily panic attacks, which consist of, for me, racing thoughts, shaking and thrashing about, and hyperventilating. For weeks I was basically frozen in depression and fear.Some of my friends and family thought that this was the work of the devil or that an evil spirit was using my depression to hurt my family.I believed it and felt too weak to fight it.I got worse after that.
Then someone said “Is it possible that this is the Lord, not the Devil, using this as a tool in your life?
We discussed the possible goodnesses that could come from it.Humility, empathy, closeness to Christ.And I realized that I had never prayed so much or felt so desperate for the Lords help.Ever since I realized that this is a trial, given to me as a gift to change me into whoever it is I am supposed to be, so that I can do whatever it is I am supposed to do.I am suddenly accepting and grateful for something I have hated for as long as I can remember. As I am learning to trust the Lord completely, I feel like a new person.
Alma said “I behold that ye are lowly in heart; and if so, blessed are ye.”
----Job Said, speaking of the Lord, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,” 12 and, “He also shall be my salvation.” 13 Job attested, “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” 14 Job completely trusted the Lord to take care of all of the other concerns.
President Faust;
“As we live on earth we must walk in faith, nothing doubting. When the journey becomes seemingly unbearable, we can take comfort in the words of the Lord: “I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee.” 19 Some of the healing may take place in another world. We may never know why some things happen in this life. The reason for some of our suffering is known only to the Lord."
------Walk with me, Elaine L Jack, 1994, said of our rewards…
“The fruits of eternal progress are manifest in Joy, peace love, hope and increased confidence in the Lord.”
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.
***I ask you to look at a hard thing in your life and find the good in it.I believe that if we have reasonable expectations of our lives and the faith to enjoy the ride and “give it to God” That we will be blessed. I have a testimony that we can trust and rely on the Lord in good times
and bad.He knows the path our lives will take and if we can keep our chin up and continue to love him and do his work, our lives will have been beautiful and purposeful.I know that Heavenly Father loves each of you and has a plan for you.I love you all so much and will miss you each terribly but will take you with me in my heart.I love the Lord and his Gospel. I will leave you with a wonderful poem..
My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ‘til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned
it is 6:00 am and I am awake as usual fighting a panic attack. I've done it every morning but one for the last month. Most days I win but this week it's no good. whenever I go ti write here about things like this I hesitate & think I should put it in my journal instead. However, I feel alone when I feel crazy & maybe one of y'all do to. Every morning I wake up way before I've had enough sleep an I'm shaking and sometimes nauseous & sometimes I can't breathe. I immediately feel scared fro what's to come & my mind races. what to do and how to make it stop. I get scared, frustrated, sad and angry. every morning. today is bad. Usually I try to distract myself with cleaning or getting the kids ready for school and then I go walking at the park which usually fixes me for the rest of the day. usually I'm fine by noon. well the last two days, it's lasted much longer and that terrifies me. the worse things get the more scared I get and then the worse I get. It's still to dark to go walking. I'm shaking and crying and afraid for what the morning holds and if this will ever end. I feel helpless and out of control. I know it's a cycle of fear but I don't have the stregth or knowledge to stop it right now. I thought writing would help but I'm getting worse. I can't do this alone & the drugs aren't helping. I took an ambien last night and half a xanax this morning. nothing. Paul is wonderful & helpful. I'm scared to imagine if he wasn't here. sorry for the Debbie Downer post. waah waah.
lately music is my favorite thing. It saves my day all the time. The right song can take me back in time, make my work go faster, make me wanna dance, fill my heart back up or remind me of a friend. I love my Ipod. I love it more than chocolate cake. Yesterday me & Micheal Jackson cleaned the house and made pottery, a fantastic day. My favorite thing is that , suddenly I can be transported to different places and usually they are awesome. I bet you didn't know that we've spent time together recently... Dave Mathews comes on and I am in highschool in michelle's living room watching BJ & michelle dance & sing it out. I'm skinny on the couch & I can smell Michelle's hair & hear her laugh. Crocodile Rock (Elton John) I'm in the back of Teri's expedition with Madie as she sings her little 7 year old heart out "Laaaaaa la la la la laaa, la la la la laaa." Carrie Underwood, Before he cheats, I'm on stage at B-52's karaoke bar with April. We're singing a duet because she used to be chicken. I can see her dance in her adorable and careful way. Dixie chicks, landslide. I'm in the Starship theater parking lot with my sister Heather & she says "ughhh! I hate this song!!!" she hates fleetwood mac too. sometimes I wonder if we're the same species. But there is a country song I love but can't think of right now, her husband sang it in her ear as they danced at they're wedding. it takes me back there, I'm self conscious of my acne and I envy the heck out of her. Mariah carey, who I can't stand, reminds me of Marj, I have learned to like a whole genre of annoying songs you'd hear at a multicultural makeout point. because they make me picture cute marj dancing in her kitchen. it smells like garlic cilantro & dryer sheets. Both Micheal Jackson and the Delicious George Micheal remind me of Teri. Teri has awesome music taste and introduced me to both. George Micheal's "Amazing", I'm 15 in AZ with her in the front seat of the car & we're dancing & I wish we weren't almost home. Abba, I'm in the back of the car with Jeffey watching Ashley and Celeste sing in the front seats. a super fun night. Dixie chicks, How long do you wanna be loved, Is Sam, he's about 18 months old & I'm rocking him & Dancing in the kitchen & loving him to pieces. Sarah Evans, I'm at her concert with Ashley outside trying to hook her up with an adorable country boy sitting in front of us. One of the best concerts ever. I love my Ashley. Anna, is Ozzy Osborne and Axle Rose. Axle Rose, I hear Beef singing along all high. Anna is such a rock star. John Mayer & Lily Allen remind me of Alex who is also an amazing music finder. Guster reminds me of Jason. Charlotte church, I'm in my pottery class with Merideth & she's humming along as she works. Meet Virginia, Train, among a thousand other songs remind me of my Paul & how he loves me for the reasons I don't. Dixie Chicks, wide open space, we're in Provo about 12 years ago in Paul's crappy car & he had learned the song so he could sing & "geek out" with me in the car. I can still hear him sing and smell the stale boy car smell & feel how I adored him. Many songs and recently one Hallelujah by Rufus Wainright takes me to many places and reminds me of how everythings going to be okay and how Heavenly Father has always been with me. The other day I was walking the track at clinton park with my darling ipod & daisy and this song made me stop & sob & thank the Lord. I know that song will always take me back there. Cripes! it's almost 9! I need to go make a spectacular cake that looks like a snake! Have a great day & listen to some music! oooh, tell me what music reminds you of me !
It has been a REALLY long time since I posted. I've had a rough couple of months so most of the thoughts I would have posted are either too personal and or a huge drag :) BUT! today I have something I am excited about. Last night again I was told "Brooke you need dishes" by Marj. I realized I have been told this by Teri, Janae, Paul, Marj already and several others. This is kind of funny because I am uniquely qualified to make more dishes let alone buy them! sometimes I have 15 people or so here for dinner and I don't even have a set of 4 plates that match and the bowl and cup situation is much worse. Paul thinks we should get rid of everything and get a huge new set when we move. I didn't realize that I was sentimental about this but I will never do that!!! There is a brown glass cup with square cup patterns that I stole from my moms in my cupboard at some point. This is the set we had when I was growing up and I love that cup. It is butt ugly but I feel so much for it! I have a pair of black bowls that ended up here when I was babysitting my friend Shannan's dog & we were supposed to use them for the dog, but then I washed them & meant to give them back & never did. whenever I use one, I think of Shannan. nope, I will not be returning them. And so I have decided on the perfect plan. I will make each of my best friends give me one of thier plates or cups that I have used at their house for dinner, so when I move and hopefully have 8 or so new friends for dinner, I will set the table with 8 completely different plates from past friends & family and I will end up with a table table of 16. I think it will be whimsical and a perfect conversation piece. and if we are not using my $30 costco table & folding chairs, I can make it look great! And I can make myself supplement with pottery. anyway, I'm excited! so give me your dishes!
This has been one of the scariest few days that I can remember. This week I lost the baby. I started to spot on Sunday night and Paul had to go to Florida the next Morning for an interview. I was left in the care of my Sisters here and I bawl as I try to even describe what They did. One took my kids swimming while Another held my hand, hugged me and rubbed my back while I heard the bad news. One kindly explained that there was nothing I could have done while the Other soothed Lucy who knew something was wrong. Later that day, One took me to a comforting lunch and made me laugh while others called and worried and cared. That night one cleaned and watched the baby as I slept and cried and others shopped, brought muffins and prepared. Another came and talked and listened and cooked and slept here with me. The next Morning One came & took me to the hospital while the Other kept my house and kids. At the Hospital, One who I'd never met held me & prayed for me and my baby as Another was coming in to talk to me & make me laugh. All while another was watching my kids, cleaning out their closet and doing laundry at the same time that others were calling and cooking and caring and bringing as they all did the rest of that day. I have never in my life been so cared for and felt the Hand of God in my life. I've never seen this much love and the world seems lighter to me than it did last week. Which is amazing. I feel that what happened was just God's will and I feel peace in my heart and that things are turning in a good direction. I am so Grateful for Women.
I have been hesitant to write about this subject because it is a personal topic. I have decided though that it is good. I believe that I am so not alone in this thing I deal with and I think this is something that absolutely needs to be talked about by all who have it and should not be something hidden. I have depression which most everyone knows, I'm not a hider : ), more than half of my family has it. It is a really confusing thing though because when I think about the fact that my family has it, it becomes a chicken and egg thing. Is my family dysfunctional because of chemical imbalances or are we sad because of dysfunction? that is beside the point. I think sharing is good though because when you have this, you think, I'm the only one who is a mess, no one understands or would want to and if they knew what I'm really like.... The truth is though, that there are tons of us out there and would love and help each other and accept each others messes if we only knew. My hope is that the average Joe would still love us if they did. Everyone has their own freakshow. I hope. I have been on antidepressants for about 11 years. The medicine has helped me a lot, but there have also been times where it has not helped. Most of the time I am a happy and fun person with a positive view but every so often, I'd guess about twice a year I'm a mess. at least one episode always happens in the winter. By a mess I mean, I cry at least once a day and feel despair. I feel I am not control of the crying and most of the time there's nothing even wrong. I also get frustrated and impatient with everything, as a result of these things, my self esteem suffers and then I am outright depressed. I think one of the hardest things about having this is reconciling it with who I am. I don't want to be that person. I don't want my kids to have a sad Mom. That's the main thing. and my poor husband. He's going strait to heaven. So anyway about a year ago, I felt like my prozac wasn't working very well and I was having a lot of side effects, so I switched to wellbutrin. While I was on wellbutrin I was a complete psycho and I believe it made me a lot worse. Then I switched to Zoloft which helped my depression but the side effects were overwhelming, including the dulling of every feeling or emotion. I wasn't able to feel happy or spiritual or excited much, but I wasn't crying either. My angel of a husband did his research and found a book called the depression cure. I have been doing this method for several months and have done really well. There are six parts of the program *getting enough sleep *taking omega 3 fish oil *getting enough sunlight *exercising *social interaction *not ruminating I have been off of my pills completely for about a month and a half. I use the light box daily which had regulated my sleep and helped a ton. I do everything else pretty well except the exercise of course which I'm still working on. I have been super happy ever since, feeling more joy and being touched and excited more that I have in years. Paul has been gone this week and I've had a lot of time alone, feeling overwhelmed by kids and missing the summer sun and I think I am slipping into a depression but this time I feel that I have tools to fight it instead of feeling victimized and overwhelmed by it. Now I am discovering RUMINATING. I didn't used to thing I did it, but guess what, I totally do! ruminating is focusing on negative thoughts for extended periods of time. way after it is useful. It happens mostly when your mind is idle. while driving or laying in bed at night. The idea is basically to recognize when you're ruminating and then to distract yourself. It makes sense that this will help a ton. So I will do it. The title of this post is an acronym for "to write love on her arms" which is a movement to recognize That we all know and love someone or are someone who suffers from depression or addiction, and we love you. I learned about this from Ashley, one of my best friends in the world who is beyond awesome and is suffering pretty bad right now. <3 When I wear my twloha t shirt about town & have to explain to friends what it is, most of the time the reaction is " bummer : ) " yep. and I apologize. But I hope this is useful to someone.